Monday, 30 March 2015

Turning The Big 3 - 0

Over many years I have contemplated whether or not to put my journey out there for the public to see. I have always been a very private person who only shares personal stuff with those that I trust the most. Unfortunately these last 6 years have been some of the toughest years I have faced thus far. I decided it was time to start a blog and hopefully reach out to those who may be going through similar struggles, triumphs and even adventures as me. In this blog I plan to be as honest and real as possible. I have always been an honest person who is straight to the point. I remember when I first got married and everyone would ask "soooo, hows married life?" expecting a fluffy answer that it was amazing ALL OF THE TIME. I would always respond with "well, its like a fine wine, it's a little bitter at first but it gets better with time." I felt alone, like I was the only one who found the first year of marriage to be really tough. Everyone who was getting married around the same time always made it seem like everything was perfect when in reality they were struggling as well. I feel as though life is tough enough, why do people need to pretend like they have everything put together when in reality we are all going through tough times at some point or another. If you want to join me in this crazy journey called life please feel free to!

I am a girl, well I guess soon to be young lady, who is going to start yet a new journey very soon in her thirties. I have no idea how that even happened. I feel like I blinked and now the time has come. When I was younger I used to think turning "30" meant you were ancient and now that it's just around the corner I am surprisingly excited and scared at the same time! Although, I didn't think my life would be where it's at now, I also wouldn't change what I've been through either. I have learned so much about myself and have become the person I am today because of it. When I was younger I had everything planned out in detail. I thought I would be married at 21 (crazy girl,) have children at 24 and definitely be done having children before I was THIRTY and that life would be on it's merry way. None of those things happened to me in that order. Life has definitely taught me a hard lesson that you can try to plan your life out but it doesn't always work that way. In fact it's almost as if you plan everything out and life laughs at you, and does the complete opposite. So here's to the very exciting journey I plan to share with you as I embrace becoming a thirty year old. #dirtythirty here I come!!


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